I don't have a strong opinion about the version number but I want to say that 
David's critiques of the state of the ecosystem all ring true to me. FWIW (and 
I offer this only because Saul is "genuinely interested in how they don't meet 
your needs" :-) here are my own responses to David's suggestions/questions 
about Saul's critiques:

On Feb 23, 2011, at 2:58 PM, Saul Hazledine wrote:
> Below are suggestions to the shortcomings you mention. I'm genuinely
> interested in how they don't meet your needs.
> On Feb 23, 8:42 pm, David Jacobs <develo...@allthingsprogress.com>
> wrote:
>> - definitive, simple, integrated package management
> Leiningen and Cake?

Both seem great but neither plays nice with an editor/IDE/workflow that works 
well for me. Eclipse/CCW is my current favorite and while there are ways to use 
lein in conjunction with Eclipse projects they are seriously non-intuitive. I 
was initially very excited about TextMate/cake but some basic things failed to 
work and my posted issue on the textmate-clojure github site got no reply so I 
cooled on this and went back to Eclipse/CCW. I'm a long-time emacs user but the 
installation/configuration issues are infuriating, especially in a teaching 
context (which is important for me), as are some of the decades-old UI 

>> - a better REPL experience out of the box (esp. Jline support)
> Slime/Emacs? I only use the REPL in very rare cases and aren't
> bothered by a lack of JLine.

See above. I'm looking for a non-emacs solution (or maybe I'd be happy with a 
fail-proof simple Aquamacs-for-clojure single-click-download+installer). I use 
REPLs all the time and want them to have basic features like parentheses 
matching, language-aware indentation, and the ability to scroll through history.

>> - a simpler, more useful stack trace
> Slime?

See above.

>> - better commandline integration
> https://github.com/gar3thjon3s/clargon

Not actually a concern of mine.

>> - abstracting away Java concepts like excessive hierarchies for package
>> definitions (src/com/mycompany/wow/this/is/getting/long/my-library.clj)
> You don't have to use this convention. Personally I keep things
> shallow.

Some tools force or strongly encourage such conventions (and they vary among 
tools). If I recall correctly NetBeans/Enclojure uses fairly deep hierarchies. 
Eclipse's are shallower, I think, and the default for new projects in cake is 
somewhere in between. I gather that keeping things completely flat is somehow 
impossible or bad in the Java ecosystem in general, but the variation among all 
of the popular tools is indeed bothersome.

>> - better discovery for existing, well-tested libraries.
> You can search on http://clojars.org/. This works well for me.
> However, the key to well tested libraries is having people give
> feedback if a library breaks or is badly documented or doesn't meet
> their needs.

I'm still surprised sometimes even by things that are in core or contrib that I 
hadn't seen previously. Clojure.org doesn't help much with this, in my 
experience. I've found some of the newer documentation sites (like 
http://clojuredocs.org/) to be quite good but again this is sort of scattered, 
with a bunch of things of different levels of completeness and quality and not 
a lot of guidance to the newcomer about where to go to get oriented. If this 
situation could be firmed up for core+contrib, and then expanded to other 
libraries, then that would be fantastic.

Just my e cents or so.


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