There are a ton of people who are ready for dabbling with Clojure but
aren't ready for production systems.  You'd be surprised how linearly
independent system administration skills and software development
skills really are.  They aren't quite orthogonal, but it's amazingly

On Mar 22, 5:36 pm, cageface <> wrote:
> I'll certainly agree that it should be as easy as possible to get
> started in Clojure, but I really don't think that the kind of people
> that can't use anything without a windows installer are going to get
> very far with Clojure in any case.
> I mean, if it's too much to install java, unzip a file and run:
> java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main
> As the getting_started page suggests, what are you going to do with
> sexpr syntax, immutable data structures, iteration through recursion,
> concurrency etc? Clojure might at some point mature into the kind of
> language that has something to offer for people that need a lot more
> hand holding but clearly it's a bit of a wild west environment at the
> moment.

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