to me, an exciting thing about clojure (there are many to pick from) is that
you'll have a good chance (from what I understand ... I haven't tried it for
this purpose myself, yet) of having correct paralellizable code -- that is,
code that gets a speed up due to parallization.  Speed Up ==>  Fast.  The
argument is, "good luck getting similar code correct in straight java".  Not
correct code !=> fast.  Not correct code !=> anything.  Or ==> infinite
execution time ==> slow.

So, being a lawyer about it, "fast" can mean anything you want.  Fast as in
fasted implementations of persistent data structures around.  Fast as in
fast to market around. (again as opposed to infinite execution time).

Now, single threaded to do stuff that's already easy to do in java?  It
seems like you could have a point, there.  Like, what undue amount of stuff
does one have to do to make it even semi-fast?  For micro benchmarks, use
C++ (or even with Java, have nailgun running, already).  To access jvm-based
software in a new, agile way without incurring tooooo much penalty, try

I just read up on transients.  Smart idea there, for sure!  Fast?  Of
course.  That's the point.  Makes perfect sense, too.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 4:34 PM, fft1976 <> wrote:

> On Aug 15, 2:00 am, Meikel Brandmeyer <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Am 14.08.2009 um 02:56 schrieb fft1976:
> >
> > > With type hints, you can get Java (?) code to run EXACTLY the same
> > > speed as Java, so Clojure is FAST.
> >
> > I think there is a simple misunderstanding here.
> >
> > I think, what Rich means, is that if you provide
> > type hints, the methods calls on an object work
> > directly.
> Then why does he follow up with "Clojure is FAST" instead of "calls to
> Java are fast"? Why does everyone else think that he was referring to
> Clojure itself? Why hasn't he corrected himself, given plenty of
> opportunity? Seems like a pretty misleading claim, whichever he really
> meant. And he is now censoring my posts for pointing this out from
> behind the moderators he appointed.
> P.S. The moderators (Chouser) are now censoring my posts, so if you
> don't see this message on the list as well, I wrote something they are
> trying to suppress.
> >

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