> I need some pointers on this. This is a really crucial thing for me and
> any help will be appreciated.

Here's one - better warn them not to let on what the startup is. Someone
here will get it to market an order of magnitude quicker than they will on
some other platform :-).

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Baishampayan Ghose <b.gh...@ocricket.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> So I have been a Common Lisp user for quite sometime and at my earlier
> work we managed to build a state-of-the-art Travel portal in CL with a
> very small team of CL programmers.
> This was all fine except one thing. The management never really believed
> in Lisp and they eventually replaced the whole Lisp team with 3x Java
> programmers and are now rewriting the perfectly fine system in Java.
> That was my earlier job.
> Now I am at the moment doing a startup and I was thinking of using
> Clojure because it has the best of both the worlds. It can use Java
> libs, is a Lisp and is heavily geared towards concurrent programming;
> making it one of the most modern and pragmatic programming languages at
> the moment.
> This decision was based purely on the merit of Clojure and not because I
> just wanted to do some Lisp programming. I seriously believe that
> Clojure can really help us in building the kind of concurrent
> application we want to build.
> But then, there is another problem. The advisors of the current startup
> (who were techies in their time, but now are highly successful people in
> the Silicon Valley) reacted strongly to the word "Lisp" (it apparently
> brought back old memories of their AI class in college) and are not
> "convinced enough" about Clojure.
> I tried explaining that Clojure runs on the JVM and thus won't have any
> problem with libs or integrating with existing Java apps but they are
> not happy.
> Their concerns are thus:
> 1. How do you get Clojure programmers? Lisp is not for the faint hearted.
> 2. What about the performance of Clojure? Is it fast?
> 3. People who want to use this are more academically inclined and are
> not practical. This will make the whole project fail.
> I need some pointers on this. This is a really crucial thing for me and
> any help will be appreciated.
> Regards,
> BG
> --
> Baishampayan Ghose <b.gh...@ocricket.com>
> oCricket.com

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