My impression is that if you build and compile whatever application
you're making and deploy it using something like Java Web Start, the
user usually doesn't have to do anything with regards to manually
getting other libraries like Jambi; it would download it automatically
or something. And there may be options for creating opaque executables
for Windows and Linux—I know that you can do this for Mac OS X. I read
that a disadvantage to Qt is that you have to use a different library
file for different operating systems.

Having said that, I could find much more documentation for Swing than
for Jambi. How active of a project is Jambi?

On Feb 18, 4:17 am, Korny Sietsma <> wrote:
> As an end-user of various guis - the "no extra dependencies" and
> "instantly cross platform" points can be a huge win, for users, if not
> for developers.
> I regularly use tools like JEdit and JDiskReport and JXplorer - and
> they *just work*.  On Linux, and Solaris, and Windows, and OS/X.  And
> over ssh with remote X.  I've even run Netbeans this way, though with
> some pain.
> Sure, you can probably convince QT to run on most of these - though
> I'm betting not on the Solaris systems I have to work with :)  But I'd
> be surprised if it were seamless and easy for the end user who has to
> download and install your application, to also install the libraries
> needed to run it...
> YMMV of course - my list of environments is hardly the most common
> scenario for gui users.  But it's quite appealing that I can write a
> small gui in Swing / Clojure and it will just run everywhere that has
> a graphics device!
> - Korny
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 4:57 AM, Dan <> wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> Do you know of a good pointer that goes beyond the "don't use it"
> >> argument, and really makes a thorough comparison of pros and cons of the 2
> >> frameworks ?
> > I'm not saying don't use Swing, I'm saying prefer Jambi.
> > My memory of Swing is dated so I'd have trouble making a thorough comparison
> > but I can provide an outline.
> > In favour of Swing:
> > - No extra dependencies
> > - No license restriction (Qt 4.4 requires you to buy a commercial license if
> > you don't want to opensource your app, won't be true anymore with Qt 4.5)
> > - De facto standard
> > - Instantly cross-platform (Jambi requires you to package a different jar
> > for each platform)
> > In favour of Qt:
> > - Great GUI builder (optional of course but you should give it a try, it's
> > powerful and doesn't get in your way)
> > - Cross-language (you can easily use the same GUI in C++, Python, Java,
> > Ruby, Perl, and a few others with minimal porting efforts
> > - Signals and slots, great way to manage events, objects emits signal which
> > you connect to slots. Often you just have to connect them together with no
> > extra code. If I want to implement a backbutton to work with a QWebview, I
> > just have to connect the clicked signal from the button to the back slot
> > from the web view (one liner).
> > - Encourages separation of your GUI and logic (very easy to change your GUI
> > without impeding the rest of your program)
> > - Better layout (this is subjective but I was fighting all the time with
> > Swing's and not Qt's)
> > - Better organisation (subjective again but I find it much easier to find my
> > way around Qt)
> > That's all I can think of at the moment. Overall, I don't think Swing is
> > terrible toolkit but Qt definitly feels a lot better to me.
> > You can check this blog post to have an overview on how to use it in
> > clojure:
> >
> --
> Kornelis Sietsma  korny at my surname dot com
> kornys on gmail, twitter, facebook, etc.
> "Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part
> that wonders what the part that isn't thinking
> isn't thinking of"
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