2009/2/16 Dan <redalas...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 11:33 AM, levand <luke.vanderh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I agree, Jambi is a better all-round product... but why the Swing
>> hate? It's fine for what it is. Most of it's drawbacks (horrible L&F,
>> poor performance) are things of the past, now.
>> It would definitely be my framework of choice for a quick, one-off app
>> or an applet.
>> -Luke
> My experience working with Swing have mostly been painful and my experience
> working with Qt (mostly PyQt) have been much more pleasurable. I don't hate
> Swing, it's just very awkward by comparison.


Do you know of a good pointer that goes beyond the "don't use it" argument,
and really makes a thorough comparison of pros and cons of the 2 frameworks

> And there is still one major drawback: having a good GUI builder (nothing
> compares to Qt Designer yet) that does not tie you into a particular IDE
> (sucks for collaboration).
> I'm not saying that Swing should not be used, just that Jambi should be
> prefered.
> >

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