
Am 12.02.2009 um 16:15 schrieb Mark Fredrickson:

I dislike this strategy for two related reasons: (1) It cannont be
nested. Here is a pseudo-example:

(?-> 2 ... some computations ... (f (?-> ... I don't have access to
the outer "?" anymore... )))

(2) Shadowing user bindings. If I bind ? to something in my code (e.g.
(let [? (pred? foo)] (....))) the ?-> form shadows my definition,
preventing access.

These are valid points. And I think you are right in that (in case there
is an easy solution) there shouldn't be arbitrary restrictions.


I wouldn't make things to complicated. I think that eg. -> can be well
handled with this same macro by simple specifying a local at the
right place.

However I would not name it let-> since there is no binding vector
following. I would suggest pipe-as. This also explains, that the given
local is bound to different things during the different stages of the

What I definitively want is the non-seq => (non-seq local) translation.
That's really nice.

For the function vs. let discussion: I use anonymous functions a lot in
macros to package things up in a closure and then expand the macro to
some code calling a driver function passing said anonymous function at
runtime. However, in this case it is not really needed. Let is
sufficient. And since each function generates a new classfile, while
this does not happen for let, I would stick with the latter.

user=> (defmacro pipe-as
         ([_ expr] expr)
         ([local expr form & more]
          `(let [~local ~expr]
             (pipe-as ~local
                      ~(if (seq? form) form (list form local))
user=> (pipe-as x (+ 1 2) (* 3 x) inc)

(mullti-macros anyone?).

user=> (defmulti foo* (fn [x a b] x))
user=> (defmethod foo* 'add [_ a b] `(+ ~a ~b))
#<MultiFn clojure.lang.mult...@e6f711>
user=> (defmethod foo* 'sub [_ a b] `(- ~a ~b))
#<MultiFn clojure.lang.mult...@e6f711>
user=> (defmacro foo [x a b] (foo* x a b))
user=> (macroexpand-1 '(foo sub 1 2))
(clojure.core/- 1 2)
user=> (macroexpand-1 '(foo add 1 2))
(clojure.core/+ 1 2)



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