That's very neat Perry!

user=> (let-> [? 5] inc)
user=> (let-> [? 5] inc (+ 2 ?))
user=> (let-> [? 5] inc (+ 2 ?) (+ ? 3))
user=> (let-> [? 5] inc (+ 2 ?) (+ ? 3) (+ 4))

What should happen when/if the seq arg doesn't contain the symbol? I
believe how you currently handle it is correct and in the spirit of
let-> (alternatively it could be reported as an error) however it may
raise yet another possibility for pipe:
(pipe 5 inc (+ 2) (+ ? 3) (+ 4 ? 2))
ie: if the argument is a seq and doesn't contain ? then it is assumed
to be a post argument, but if it does contain ? then can be explicitly
a pre or mid argument. This is however subject to the previously
discussed issues of nesting and rebinding (are they realistic?) having
a mandatory binding for pipe would be a burden so better to forget
about it. Certainly pipe and let-> as proposed allow for all cases
very nicely.

Is it worth considering how (doto) fits into the picture? My initial
observation is that (doto) is orthogonal in the sense that its primary
use is for java object manipulation, and there is never a use case to
have arguments in different places for that. So I suspect doto is

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