> This doesn't work well with Clojure, because you can have
> multiple argument vectors:
> (defn foo
>    "docstring here"
>    ([x]   (do-something-with-one-arg x))
>    ([x y] (we-can-also-do-two x y)))
> Behind which arglist should we put the docstring. ;)
That makes perfect sense, this is the rationale that I was missing
So, is it idiomatic Clojure to wrap docstring in a #^{}?

e.g. is this considered bad form:

(defn foo
"naked docstring is ok, but rather bad form while still nice for the
relative terseness of format"
(+ x 1))

whereas this isn't:

 #^{:doc "Behind which arglist should we put the docstring? Answer: A
keyword - and really one should always as a matter of habit even
though it adds a degree of syntactic eyeball mud" }
 ([x]   (do-something-with-one-arg x))
 ([x y] (we-can-also-do-two x y)))

On Dec 4, 5:41 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 04.12.2008 um 18:30 schrieb Mon Key:
> > It looks like I was getting turned around by the implicit do (and by
> > my preconceptions coming from other Lisps where the docstring likes to
> > sit behind the arglist)
> This doesn't work well with Clojure, because you can have
> multiple argument vectors:
> (defn foo
>    "docstring here"
>    ([x]   (do-something-with-one-arg x))
>    ([x y] (we-can-also-do-two x y)))
> Behind which arglist should we put the docstring. ;)
> >> Many languages work this way. In Ruby:
> > Some don't :)
> But Lisp does. (Or at least Scheme does. Can't tell for CL.)
> > So, it would have been safer to assume Ruby like behaviour :)
> It's never safe to assume. It's only safe to know. So
> good that you ask here on the list. :)
> Sincerely
> Meikel
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload
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