> The part after the argument vector goes into the function body, which
> is wrapped in a do. do evaluates the expressions and returns the
> value of the last one. The results of evaluating the other expressions
> are discarded.

Ok.  That provides the clarity I was after.  Thank You.

It looks like I was getting turned around by the implicit do (and by
my preconceptions coming from other Lisps where the docstring likes to
sit behind the arglist)

Maybe a common enough mistake for those making the transition...

> Many languages work this way. In Ruby:

Some don't :)

> def foo
>   "evaluted and lost"
>   "return value"
> end

So, it would have been safer to assume Ruby like behaviour :)

On Dec 4, 2:22 am, Meikel Brandmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 4 Dez., 07:53, Mon Key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So, in the case where the (doc)string is placed after the param I
> > should expect that REPL reads that string but doesn't necesarily
> > evaluate it?  Where does that string go? Does it become nil?  It
> > wasn't passed as a nil anymore than it was passed as a docstring.
> I'm not sure I understand correctly what you are asking for
> but the following is my understanding what happens.
> (defn foo
>   "docstring here"
>   [x y]
>   (+ x y))
> This - as discussed before - places the string in the metadata
> of the Var foo, not the function itself. Functions cannot be
> associated with metadata.
> (defn foo
>   [x y]
>   "some string here"
>   (+ x y))
> This is a function which first evaluates "some string here",
> which happens to evaluate to itself since it is a string. However
> since the string is not the last expression of the function body
> it is discarded and evaluation goes on with the next expression.
> Since there is no docstring it is not assigned to the metadata
> of the Var foo, which refers to the function. Hence retrieving
> it will return nil.
> > Following defns do not evaluate as equivalent - nor are they identical
> > - nor do they appear to share the same identity.
> > I can understand cases for passing the empty string, the empty list,
> > etc.  However, I have trouble understanding how it isn't an error/
> > exception to pass a non-empty string after the param list and have
> > that string be converted to nil.
> Ok. Let's try to understand what happens. Say you the second foo
> function of above. Then a call (foo 1 2) is roughly equivalent to the
> following:
> (let [x 1
>       y 2]
>   (do
>     "some string here"
>     (+ x y)))
> The part after the argument vector goes into the function body, which
> is wrapped in a do. do evaluates the expressions and returns the
> value of the last one. The results of evaluating the other expressions
> are discarded.
> So in (defn foo "string" [] ...) "string" is a docstring, while in
> (defn foo [] "string" ...) "string" is part of the function body.
> Hope this helps.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
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