
Am 04.12.2008 um 18:30 schrieb Mon Key:
It looks like I was getting turned around by the implicit do (and by
my preconceptions coming from other Lisps where the docstring likes to
sit behind the arglist)

This doesn't work well with Clojure, because you can have
multiple argument vectors:

(defn foo
  "docstring here"
  ([x]   (do-something-with-one-arg x))
  ([x y] (we-can-also-do-two x y)))

Behind which arglist should we put the docstring. ;)

Many languages work this way. In Ruby:
Some don't :)

But Lisp does. (Or at least Scheme does. Can't tell for CL.)

So, it would have been safer to assume Ruby like behaviour :)

It's never safe to assume. It's only safe to know. So
good that you ask here on the list. :)


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