On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 2:03 PM, aCaB <aca...@digitalfuture.it> wrote:
> On 03/10/11 20:58, Peter Bonivart wrote:
>> You could give our ClamAV package a try:
>> http://www.opencsw.org/packages/CSWclamav/
> Guys,
> Anybody tried?
> I'd be very interested in hearing the results.

I have obviously tried my own packages ;) and if timestamps from
clamd.log are to be trusted it's 3 seconds every time:

Thu Mar 10 11:16:42 2011 -> Reading databases from /var/opt/csw/clamav/db
Thu Mar 10 11:16:45 2011 -> Database correctly reloaded (915866 signatures)

Thu Mar 10 15:21:45 2011 -> Reading databases from /var/opt/csw/clamav/db
Thu Mar 10 15:21:48 2011 -> Database correctly reloaded (915861 signatures)

Thu Mar 10 17:45:25 2011 -> Reading databases from /var/opt/csw/clamav/db
Thu Mar 10 17:45:28 2011 -> Database correctly reloaded (915985 signatures)

Thu Mar 10 21:46:11 2011 -> Reading databases from /var/opt/csw/clamav/db
Thu Mar 10 21:46:14 2011 -> Database correctly reloaded (916108 signatures)

Fri Mar 11 03:24:49 2011 -> Reading databases from /var/opt/csw/clamav/db
Fri Mar 11 03:24:52 2011 -> Database correctly reloaded (916124 signatures)

I also looked at a couple of servers where the hardware is 3-4 years
old and they took 5-7 seconds to reload. But they have a high load
from all mail related services they do, probably they could shave off
a second or two if tested separately.

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