Hello Tom,

Tom Shaw wrote:


If you use the unofficial signatures it might help you. See http://www.sanesecurity.co.uk/databases.htm

One of my signatures, winnow_malware.hdb, detect numerous (over 3000 at present) malware that are not yet detected in stock ClamAV sigs. The current list is documented at http://www.oitc.com/winnow/clamsigs/MalwareSignatures.html

Undetected virus samples or urls to the virus paylaod can be sent to virus_samples at oitc.com. They will be processed and added if necessary to winnow_malware.hdb and will be forwarded to the official ClamAV signature team.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give a try and even submit samples.

What I do here is to quarantine all messages with small zips. Virus scanning is done offline. After some hours, if the message is clean, it's freed, if not, it's definitively deleted. In the last days, very most quarantined messages were infected but not detected by Clamav.

I'll integrate winnow_malware.hdb.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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