James Kosin said the following, On 4/15/2008 3:19 PM:
> Steve Holdoway wrote:
> | Having just been spending quite some time writing .spec files, it
> could be because rpm -U actually runs the uninstall script of the
> superseeded package ( with $1 set to a different value to if you're
> running -e ) as a part of the upgrade.
> |
> | It's most confusing and the logic of it offers only lip service to 
> sanity!
> |
> | Steve
> No.  I built the RPMs on a system with 0.92.1 installed and running.  
> The resulting RPMs had a dependency on clamav requiring
> libclamunrar_iface.so.3 instead of the packaged so.4 file... ??
> To fix the dependency, I had to 'rpm -e clamav clamav-devel
> clamav-milter' ... then rebuild the RPMs from the source for 0.93.  Then
> install the resulting RPMs with -i ...
> PS:  I did not use -U but -F to try the upgrade when it failed due to
> the dependency on the old library package.
> James
I think I found the problem. It took me a bit, but I think I found the 
In the spec for ClamAV file you need to add the following two lines:
That will prevent -L/usr/dir being added when relinking libclamav.so.4 
thereby not linking to the libclamunrar_iface library in /usr/lib (wrong 

So mine looks like the following:

%configure  \
    --program-prefix="%{?_program_prefix}" \
%{!?_without_milter:--enable-milter} \
    --enable-id-check \
    --with-libcurl \
    --enable-dns \
    --disable-clamav \
    --without-libbz2-prefix \
    --without-libgmp-prefix \
    --with-user="clamav" \
    --with-group="clamav" \
    --with-dbdir="%{_localstatedir}/clamav" \
%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}

and it was

%configure  \
    --program-prefix="%{?_program_prefix}" \
%{!?_without_milter:--enable-milter} \
    --enable-id-check \
    --with-libcurl \
    --enable-dns \
    --disable-clamav \
    --with-user="clamav" \
    --with-group="clamav" \
    --with-dbdir="%{_localstatedir}/clamav" \
%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}

I hope this helps.


Eric Hoeve
eHoeve Solutions, LLC

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