On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:38:21 +0300
Török Edwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Brian Morrison wrote:
> > Török Edwin wrote:
> >   
> >> Brian Morrison wrote:
> >>     
> >>> I've just built and installed 0.93, when the new versions try and start 
> >>> I get this error:
> >>>
> >>> /usr/sbin/clamd: relocation error: /usr/libclamav.so.4: undefined 
> >>> symbol: rarvm_free
> >>>
> >>> A grep through the source doesn't appear to show anything obvious to me 
> >>> anyway, the system in use is RH9 BTW, patched up to date but of course 
> >>> out of support for some time. The rpm build process completed without 
> >>> errors.
> >>>
> >>> Back to 0.92.1 for now.
> >>>
> >>> Any ideas?
> >>>       
> >> Did you install libclamunrar_iface.so, and libclamunrar.so?
> >>     
> >
> > Yes, the rpm build script packaged them correctly, they're in the rpm if 
> > I look with rpm -qpl <package> and clamav-0.92.1 also has these 
> > installed on my system, it was built using the same rpm build script.
> >
> > I'm wondering if somehow it's not picking up something from a header 
> > file, I have the -devel package installed for 0.92.1 but I'm building 
> > using the files supplied in the tarball so the new version should have 
> > everything it needs.
> Can you try to build manually? Just a simple ./configure && make; and
> then run clamd/clamd.
> Please upload the build logs somewhere (or open a bugreport on bugzilla).

I built using ./configure and make, after passing the
--enable-experimental argument, and then ran ldd clamd/clamd as a
check, but it immediately tells me that the program is not a dynamic
executable, which implies it doesn't link to shared libraries I think.
I also pass --without milter to avoid building the milter files.

When I build from my spec file, this is what it passes to configure:

%configure \
        --program-prefix=%{?_program_prefix} \
        %{!?_without_milter:--enable-milter} \
        --enable-dns \
        --with-libcurl \
        --disable-clamav \
        --enable-id-check \
        --with-user=clamav \
        --with-group=clamav \
#       --disable-zlib-vcheck \
        --enable-experimental \

the origin of the spec file was from Petr Krisztof back in the late
RH8/RH9/Fedora 1 days, it's always worked for me with a few changes to
package new files as they appeared.

This has worked up to and including 0.92.1, and indeed the 0.93 version
builds OK, it just won't run. I can't see how this happens as all
the .so libraries are correctly linked and versioned, and are installed
in the right place. There is only one copy of libclam*.so* on the whole

Not sure what is happening here. Too tired to debug this any more
tonight, maybe I'll wait for the DAG rpms and try those.


Brian Morrison

bdm at fenrir dot org dot uk

   "Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud;
    after a while you realize you are muddy and the pig is enjoying it."
GnuPG key ID DE32E5C5 - http://wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/wwwkeys.html
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