On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:52:01 -0400 James Kosin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > |> | James > |> Well, that did the trick. > |> I un-installed the old version before building and that fixed the > |> dependency issue. > | > | Yes, I have now had to do the same thing, and it fixed my problem as > | well. I don't understand exactly why this happens, I need to understand > | the cause and fix the underlying problem. > | > | Thanks for the assistance. Probably not a clamav bug after all! > | Having just been spending quite some time writing .spec files, it could be because rpm -U actually runs the uninstall script of the superseeded package ( with $1 set to a different value to if you're running -e ) as a part of the upgrade. It's most confusing and the logic of it offers only lip service to sanity! Steve
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