
I guess your best bet is to switch off the PhishingScanURLs, if you 
don't like the idea of using new code at this stage.

I am still testing the PCRE on a test server, and I still have my main 
server running a crontab script which kills clamscan every now and then 
when it has been working for a long time.
pid=`pgrep -u defang -f clamscan -o`
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
         #ps -o user,pid,pcpu,time,etime,comm -u defang
         etime=`ps -o time,comm -p $pid |tail -1 | awk -F: ' { print $1 } '`
         if [ $etime -ge 5 ]; then
                 sleep 60
                 #echo "Kill Clamscan: $pid"
                 kill $pid


rick pim wrote:
> Trog writes:
>  > You've taken note of the recent postings on trouble with the standard
>  > Solaris regex library? And how to switch to using PCRE, which solves the
>  > problem.
> i have. i got this box mostly finished back in early august and then
> took off on holidays before putting it into production.  (i mean, i'm
> insane, but not insane enough to drop something new into production
> and then leave for the better part of a month.)  the latest pcre
> thread was in the backlog of things i filtered through on returning.
> so: i have three alternatives. in more or less the order of increasing
> amount of work:
>  - turn off PhishingScanURLs
>  - write a script to restart clam once or twice a day
>  - download, compile & install pcre. (don't want to use a precompiled
>    one from, say, sunfreeware because of version mismatch worries.)
>    then edit source code & ancillary clam files and rebuild
> i'm _tempted_ to take door #1 or door #2 pending word from the clam
> team or sourcefire or SOMEONE as to what ClamTNG will suggest/support.
> rp
> rick pim                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> information technology services                          (613) 533-2242
> queen's university, kingston   
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Nine million terrorists in the world, and I gotta kill one with feet
> smaller'n my sister."
>                     -- Die Hard
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