Trog writes:
 > You've taken note of the recent postings on trouble with the standard
 > Solaris regex library? And how to switch to using PCRE, which solves the
 > problem.

i have. i got this box mostly finished back in early august and then
took off on holidays before putting it into production.  (i mean, i'm
insane, but not insane enough to drop something new into production
and then leave for the better part of a month.)  the latest pcre
thread was in the backlog of things i filtered through on returning.

so: i have three alternatives. in more or less the order of increasing
amount of work:

 - turn off PhishingScanURLs

 - write a script to restart clam once or twice a day

 - download, compile & install pcre. (don't want to use a precompiled
   one from, say, sunfreeware because of version mismatch worries.)
   then edit source code & ancillary clam files and rebuild

i'm _tempted_ to take door #1 or door #2 pending word from the clam
team or sourcefire or SOMEONE as to what ClamTNG will suggest/support.


rick pim                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
information technology services                          (613) 533-2242
queen's university, kingston   
"Nine million terrorists in the world, and I gotta kill one with feet
smaller'n my sister."
                    -- Die Hard
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