Rob MacGregor wrote:
> On 9/19/07, Roberto Ullfig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We restart sendmail/clamd every morning. This morning this restart
>> failed on several servers. The startup hung when clamd was trying to
>> startup. I deleted everything in /var/lib/clamav (database files) and
>> everything started up just fine.
> That's nice ;)
> Maybe you meant to include some actual technical details, like O/S,
> version of clamav installed etc (and possibly why you restart sendmail
> and clamd daily)?
Redhat Linux
clamav 0.91.2

Actually, it doesn't seem related to the clamav restart since some 
servers experienced problems beforehand. We're using sanesecurity sigs 
as well. In several cases, I had to delete all sigs in order to get 
clamd to startup. I then ran freshclam and installed sanesecurity sigs - 
restarted clamd again and had no problem.

Since we've never had any problems of this nature with clamav before I 
assumed that this was a signature related issue (especially since 
deleting the sigs allowed clamd to start) that everyone using clamav 
would be experiencing - that's why I didn't think it necessary to 
include OS and version in the original post.

Roberto Ullfig - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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