On Mar 7, 2007, at 12:40 PM, Jay West wrote:
Kevin wrote....
Follow-up: The above work-around almost works, but clamd
dies without warning now. This is somewhat easier to live with
than the
previous behavior, where it would be alive but would stop responding,
but it's still broken.
Doesn't the port currently in the FreeBSD ports tree online -
0.90_3 (NOTE the _3 part)....that was just modified to _3 a few
days ago... already include the above mentioned workaround by
virtue of the parameterized pthreadlib setup? Or do I still need to
put those entries in /etc/libmap.conf with the 1.91 version port
makefile? I think the last (_3) FreeBSD port makefile basically
took care of the libmap.conf a different way. I'd like to be sure ;)
Can anyone offer clarification?
I hope this helps: the maintainer of the FreeBSD port of ClamAV
stated that the _3 version should fix a problem with the invocation
of ./configure to honor the PTHREAD_LIBS variable, which defaults to
using libpthread.
That means you should get the default threading library properly
recognized, but you can over-ride PTHREAD_LIBS to point to libthr
instead by setting that variable on the command line or in /etc/
make.conf, if you'd like to build ClamAV against the alternative
thread library to see whether it does better for you.
Also, the update of the FreeBSD port to clamav-0.90.1 should occur
soon, according to another message.
On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:55 AM, Renato Botelho wrote:
On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 03:43:26PM +0200, Alexander Shikoff wrote:
Hi All,
On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 08:32:55AM -0500, Daniel Eischen wrote:
On Thu, 1 Mar 2007, Martin Blapp wrote:
Clamd is currently broken with libpthread for some threading-
You definitly need to use libthr (which is still CPU hungry, but
works better).
I don't think it is a problem with libpthread.
FYI: https://wwws.clamav.net/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=307#c8
I found the problem, a bad REINPLACE_CMD was changing wrong var on
scripts, don't respecting PTHREAD_LIBS.
It's fixed now on 0.90_3.
Thanks for all.
Renato Botelho <garga @ FreeBSD.org>
<freebsd @ galle.com.br>
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