* On 20/02/07 16:25 -0500, Kevin Way wrote:
| Dennis Peterson wrote:
| >> So, its been a few days. How is everyone feeling about the new version?
| >> I've hesitated to upgrade just yet. I've seen alot of feedback indicating
| >> problems and very little about smooth and great upgrades.
| >>
| >> What's the general concensous - You can't upgrade fast enough or Stay where
| >> you are?
| >>
| >>
| >>     
| >
| > I just had to back it out of production. It would not run more than a couple
| > minutes under a normal load that 88.7 shrugs off. It dies without any error
| > messages.
| >   
| Same here.  Tried to roll it into production in an exim/clamav setup. 
| Had to back it out because it just got slower, and slower and then it
| stopped.  No errors, just no more action.

Hi Dennis,

Have you considered upgrading again?

I tested 0.90 on two very busy servers (Exim/Clamav) and had to back off
to 0.88.7 because of same reasons....
I simply could not figure out why it could not perform as 0.88.7.
I am waiting until we have 0.90.1 in the FreeBSD ports tree before I can 
sit down and try once more.



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