thus Scott Woodford spake:

> I got gcc from GNU's site.

so it seems you didn't build gcc completely, did you run mkheaders?

>  I can try SGI's site and let you know what
> happens.

that's the most convenient way to go, yes :)

>  When I use "find / -name gcc", it doesn't find anything because
> gcc is not installed.  This is really frustrating.   

don't give up. but keep a script of it, it's nice to have some notices
if you run into the same situation in six months or so ;)

> Dumb question I know, but what do you mean by binutils?

that's no dumb question -- have a look at


Timo Schoeler | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
Key fingerprint = F844 51BE C22C F6BD 1196  90B2 EF68 C851 6E12 2D8A

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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