On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Kiryl Hakhovich wrote:

i run sendmail with clamav 0.81, and clamav-milter.
i was wondering how do i set up to pass virus warning to the users, or one specific account where they can be later viewed?

A few points:

0.  Don't do that.  Your users would rather not be bothered.

1.  Read the manpage for clamav-milter

2.  Read the FAQ

3.  Google

Damian Menscher
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
-=#| 488 LLP, 1110 W. Green St, Urbana, IL 61801 Ofc:(217)333-0038 |#=-
-=#| 4602 Beckman, VMIL/MS, Imaging Technology Group:(217)244-3074 |#=-
-=#| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Fax:(217)333-9819 |#=-
-=#| The above opinions are not necessarily those of my employers. |#=-

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