> Hey guys, > i run sendmail with clamav 0.81, and clamav-milter. > i was wondering how do i set up to pass virus warning to the users, or > one specific account where they can be later viewed? > > thanks. > Ok here is what you want ... these are in addition to what you already have ...
clamav-milter --from --headers -Q clamav Here is *MY* full command line for the milter ... clamav-milter -lo --from --max-children=5 --headers -p [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Q clamav /var/run/clamd/clmilter.sock the --from shows the receipent who the original mail appeared to come from. the --headers send alone the original headers, and the -Q is the user who receives the original message (Quarentine user) > _______________________________________________ > http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users > -- Ken Jones _______________________________________________ http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users