Arkady V.Belousov wrote:

6-Янв-2005 20:25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Maul) wrote to "ClamAV users ML"

Ok, let me get this right. Clamav cannot clean? What good is it?

JM> What good is it? It detects viruses! I'd say thats pretty good.

1. When (I hope, not "if") disinfection will be implemented?

Disinfection (with the exception of ole2) is not planned.

2. How handled viruses, which affects not only files (there are a lot of

- boot-viruses;
- modifying batch/scripts/source files;
- adding Run keys in Windows registry;
- modifying other vital Registry keys

Regardless of what the virus itself does, the virus has to be received from somewhere. What ClamAV does is detect viruses in email which can then be blocked by some other means before they even have the chance to make it into a users mailbox. ClamAV is not intended to be run after the fact on an already infected machine.

3. How handled viruses, which doesn't modify files (like NIMDA)?

See answer above.

I really dont see what the issue is here. You appear to be in a rare situation and for this i feel your pain, but what you also seem to be doing is attempting to make a program fit where it was not designed. I posted this earlier but perhaps it needs to be repeated. ClamAV is intended to be run on mailservers to detect viruses in internet email.

It is even used in situations that stray from this quite a bit and as other users have suggested, there are ways around things. But you seem to be on some sort of mission to turn clamav into drweb or whatever product to appear to like so much. BBSes?? I ran one of those when i was 12...



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