On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 10:46 AM John Mehl <ke4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Glenn. I tried to load this file with chirp. It returned the error msg  
> "Column number mismatch on line xx",
>  where xx went 17 to 169. I continued and Chirp then displays lines 1-16, 
> line 0 is not shown and 1-14 look ok. Lines 15 & 16 Blank entries, no freg or 
> name the rest of the columns are filled in default.
> I believe The length is important to chirp... John

The length of the line is not important. The number of commas (,) is.
So from were the commas are missing at the end, the fields which
should be the data for the next memory are being put at the end of the
previous memory and every thing after that is in the wrong position.

Leaving the trailing commas off has been a known issue with excel. I
used to have a workaround when I used excel but I use Libre Office now
and don't remember for sure what the workaround was. I believe that if
you populate the "RPT2CALL" column, then excel will put in the
previous commas as expected. Since the "RPT2CALL" is a cell that
normally populated with text, I believe what I may have done was to
enter double quotes ("") or possibly a space surrounded by double
quotes (" ") to make sure the trailing commas were always there.

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