On Fri, 22 Jan 2021, Lev via cdesktopenv-devel wrote:

As a followup, the xterm author maintains his own autoconf forks at 
https://invisible-island.net/autoconf/. They don’t hang on my system like the 
newer ones shipped by m4 and nano.

Also, I tried iffe and it works like a charm even on the V7 Bourne shell. The 
feature tests are also much nicer to write than their m4 equivalents, e.g., 
here’s the one I wrote for musl:
tst     need64 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE note{ off64_t necessary }end nocompile{
       #include <sys/types.h>
       typedef off64_t __ast_off64_t__;
       typedef off_t __ast_off_t__;
       extern __ast_off64_t__ x;
       __ast_off_t__ x;
}end fail{
       echo "#undef    _typ_off64_t"

Kind regards,

Thank you Lev - I was, too, surprised how easy iffe tests were to write 
compared to autoconf.


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