On Wed, 20 Jan 2021, Chase via cdesktopenv-devel wrote:

I just don't understand what the big issue with autotools is. We gutted a lot 
of the legacy OS code a few years ago (ultrix, unixware, even weird ones like 
uxpds), but if someone were to want these platforms back, I feel that using 
autotools would be an even better solution, since autotools supports building 
and feature testing on all these platforms, and instead of having big chunks of 
ifdef OS you can just implement features tests, whereas imake stopped receiving 
updates in 2000, and imake in general stopped being supported in 2014. I was 
the one that really spearheaded that we use autotools since it has a much 
larger platform support base than cmake or meson do, and I did so in case 
someone really wanted to bring back the old platform support.

I'd really like you to see the light on this one, if theres one thing that CDE 
doesn't need, its a fork.

This post is more about autotools and my personal experience, less about CDE.

Until few years ago I insisted on having as little as possible to do with the 
autotools. Sure, ./configure and make
were the way to go, but I never really wanted to dig into this.

One day I learned autotools to some useful extent and even helped some projects 
to fix
their problems with the stack but I have little experience with converting 
something big
like CDE to autotools.

I still don't "like" autotools and find them necessary evil for some cases, 
here is why:

When we talk about autotools and we tell how great and useful they are, we 
usually mean autoconf.
Autoconf is the best tool of the whole suite and it is really the "loss leader" 
of the bunch.

However, as you go, you might be encoraged to add automake (the worst of all of 
them), libtool,
maybe autoheader as well. This means a multistage file generation pipeline 
where sometimes
even a simple compiler or linker call is replaced with some incomprehensible 
shell script
and a much of stuff like ".lo" or ".la" files spread over all the directories.
Getting to the bottom of it in case of serious trouble is horrible - wading 
through .am
and .in files and tracing all of this to something that usually is something 
"oh, should I treat this library as the internal to my project or maybe not, 
how do I tell
automake to stop doing this or that".

Part of the problem is that those tools are geared towards GNU make, which 
lacks lots of
higher level capabilities or library functions, like BSD make variants or even
ksh's nmake do. You can't even "make -V variablename" to find out what is the 
final value
of the variable.

I am glad to hear that autoconf development took off again with a great effort 
and there
was a new release recently.

Portability of autotools is also a myth - people started adding some features 
recent bash versions and didn't have opportunity to test it on dying platforms 
(no surprise).
I was surprised to find out that even on an oldish Solaris I was having 
problems with
libtool shell scripts. And this is by far better supported platform than, say, 

There are some more advanced issues with the autotools approach, like for 
trying to find header files and libraries at all cost somewhere may lead to 
results when in-tree newer version should be used but instead some older ones 
are already installed on the system keep getting being found and used instead.

Most of those issues (also out of tree builds, cross-building) are solvable 
when the macros
are written properly, but I think most people simple don't know how to apply 
all those
considerations and caveats into working m4/whatever code.

You have much more experience trying to get CDE running on strange platforms 
than I do;
I was only having issues with getting the path to TCL libraries right, or 
it is hard to find which library gives us proper RPC. I think also that current 
configuration is ugly and structured badly, I wish I had something resembling 
BSD make's
/usr/share/mk tree instead (https://cgit.freebsd.org/src/tree/share/mk).

Having said that, I appreciate the time you guys are putting to push the 
project forward
even if I somewhat dislike the autoconf way of doing things. The discussion 
would be fair
if I had put a solution on a table to improve current imake definitons to fix 
the most
obvious problems (not sure I even know the list of them! - anyone?).

In the nmake and iffe documentation similar dislike of "the autoconf way" is 
The authors were well aware of autoconf and tried to find a better solution to 
the problem
of portability. Sadly those tools became totally unknown and fell into obscurity
so it is hard to expect they could become a viable alternative.

Maybe one day someone comes with an iffe-based CDE build though :)


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