Thank you

i don't think an ESP32 has the horsepower to run VMS🙂
On 12/5/2024 5:16 PM, Wayne S wrote:
Under VMS i think the smg$ routines did that.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 5, 2024, at 14:43, Mike Katz via cctalk <> wrote:

I am looking for a C library that implements a crude windowing system on a 
VT-100 or compatible terminal via the serial port.  I've seen such things 
before but not recently.

I will be running this on bare metal (no operating system). Preferably the 
package would use the regional scrolling capabilities of the VT-100 for faster 
screen updates.

I might be able to get Txwindows to work but I am looking for something a bit 

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you....


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