I follow all that (on the DEBUG.COM notes) and appreciate the notes - that
will save some time, I look forward to trying a few things out tomorrow.

I forgot to do VER explicitly, but on boot up it is saying MS-DOS 2.00.

And just now, I recalled that on github there is MS-DOS source (and bins) -
I think Dave's Garage, he recently did a video on building and booting
MS-DOS 4.0 from that source.   Maybe I should use this as an excuse to try
a 2.0 build?    Or least, reading through the FORMAT.ASM, I see all the
DOSVER checking stuff - helps confirm patch addresses, or maybe try just
recompiling that one utility without this check.

Reading through the CONFIG.txt in the MS-DOS 2.0 github repo, it's
interesting near the end:   (the use of forward slash instead of backslash,
ha! and just above this, the comments mention /dev/<dev>)

"A typical configuration file might look like this:

FILES = 10
DEVICE = /bin/network.sys
SHELL = a:/bin/command.com a:/bin -p"


On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 10:05 PM Fred Cisin via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> I don't know your level of familiarity with DEBUG, assembly, etc.
> So, if you need more detail, then when I get a chance, I could write out
> more detailed instructions
> First step, is to confirm whether the DOS that is running is actually 2.00
> If so, then we can work on making the DOS 2.11 FORMAT run under DOS 2.00
> Be aware that 2.11 is an OEM version, and is sometimes heavily customized
> for specific hardware.  Ideally, you will want the MODE.COM that is
> specific toyour hardware.
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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