This is an article on it but I still think it's total bunk:

On 5/9/2024 9:04 AM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote:
On 09/05/2024 14:28, Alexander Schreiber via cctalk wrote:
German snake oil wizards to the rescue! The "Atomstromfilter" (nuclear
power filter) joke product has been making the rounds in Germany for
at _least_ 20+y now:

It claims to filter power generated by nuclear power plants out of
your power flow at the wall socket ;-)

Sorry, but that's clearly rubbish: it's way, way too cheap. Mind you, there are none on eBay UK, so maybe I could put some up at a bargain price ... £3500 too much?

(I was going to add  a tin foil hat too, to save on postage, but those are already on eBay :-()


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