also, what some hinted at is the issue is even a very slight amount of
magnitsm, spinning very fast, could affect the signal in the playback
How many Gauss would you get from vinyl, spinning at 33.3, 45, or 78 RPM?
'course, if the "demagnetizing" also included a wipe with a lint free
cloth, . . .
How many Gauss would you get from CD/DVD spinning at [whatever the fastest
drives now spin at]?
are there "homeopathic" (less than one atom per square centimeter?) levels
of iron on the media?
. . . but, using the device to demagnetize the cables, especially the
silver power cable, would be a different story, . . .
Y'all have quite adequately answered my original ignorant question.
Grumpy Ol' Fred