On Tue, 2024-04-23 at 12:45 -0500, CAREY SCHUG via cctalk wrote:
> Sorry, I guess this should dead end, it is too far off track.  I will still 
> post this since I was among those misled into thinking it had an 1802 
> microprocessor.  The galileo had an 1802, but it suicided.
> from Wikipedia:
> It has been erroneously reported[41] on the Internet that the Voyager
> space probes were controlled by a version of the RCA 1802 (RCA
> CDP1802 "COSMAC" microprocessor), but such claims are not supported
> by the primary design documents. The CDP1802 microprocessor was used
> later in the Galileo space probe, which was designed and built years
> later. The digital control electronics of the Voyagers were not based
> on a microprocessor integrated-circuit chip.
> <pre>--Carey</pre>

NASA has an article about the Voyager computers (two each of three
different kinds) at 

Look for the pop-open "What kind of computers are used on the Voyager

The last paragraph is "Voyager was built in-house at JPL; the computers
were manufactured by General Electric to JPL specifications."

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