On Sun, Sep 10, 2023 at 05:44:59PM +0100, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
> No idea of the CPU performance. 4MHz Z80A but whether there was any
> contention or anything I have no idea. I believe one of the
> interesting bits of the design is that there's no ROM at all. They
> came with a dedicated printer (as well as a Centronics port) and
> masked into a corner of the printer controller chip was a tiny bit of
> bootstrap code.

One unusual and interesting thing about the Amstrad PCW is how it uses a
display list system, unlike basically any other home computer of the era
apart from the Atari 8-bits and the Amiga. This lets it have a nice
high-resolution bitmap display and do *partial* scrolling quickly without
having to get the CPU to copy the whole screen around. This is obviously
useful for a word processor which mostly just inserts and delete lines and
makes the thing so much smoother to use.

Various of its contemporaries such as the Beeb, CPC or PC video cards used
or were inspired by the MC6845 CRTC that can only scroll the entire screen.
This is fine for a dumb terminal experience such as the MS-DOS shell, but
has to fall back to CPU rendering for partial scrolls.

You can see the difference on a Beeb or emulator. Go into MODE 1 and type in
any old junk such as "*HELP" to print a wodge of text. Towards the bottom,
do "COLOUR 129" to set the text background to red (not strictly necessary,
but it makes the changed area bigger and more obvious) and do that "*HELP"
or whatever to make it scroll. Watch how the screen scrolls quickly with no
tearing. That's using 6845 hardware scrolling. Now repeat this but do VDU
28,1,30,38,1 to set up a text viewport which is one character in from each
edge and do the same. Look how it scrolls slowly and tears. That's software
rendering making a pig's ear of it because there's just not enough memory
bandwidth to copy a screen's worth of memory within a 20ms frame.

This hardware scrolling support is more useful to the PCW than the CPU. If
it had a 68000 in it, but no display list, it'd be much slower at editing
text. Just look at wordprocessors on the original 128k Mac.

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