On Sun, 10 Sept 2023 at 16:09, Chuck Guzis via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> UK readers are certainly
> familiar with 3.0 inch CF drives used on Amstrads.

Oh yes indeed. I think I have, in my basement in Prague, two Amstrad
PCW 9512 machines, an original 9512 (1987, one 3" drive) and a 9512+
(1991, one 3.5" drive). Both DS/DD and 720 kB. I believe -- not tried
it -- that the 9512+ can read/write DOS floppies.

(The second was a kind gift from a list member -- thanks Roger!)

I suspect that the 9512+ was the last ever new CP/M machine (excluding
21st century hobbyist kit).

They had a volatile ~450kB RAM disk as drive M: and 720x256 mono
graphics, with a text resolution of 90*32. As CP/M machines they are
pretty nice kit. No slots and not very expandable, but very capable
spec. You could load all the nonresident CP/M commands into the M:
drive and then it was a capable single-floppy machine which never
needed the boot disk again.

No idea of the CPU performance. 4MHz Z80A but whether there was any
contention or anything I have no idea. I believe one of the
interesting bits of the design is that there's no ROM at all. They
came with a dedicated printer (as well as a Centronics port) and
masked into a corner of the printer controller chip was a tiny bit of
bootstrap code.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lpro...@gmail.com
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