On 1/24/2023 12:14 PM, Steve Lewis via cctalk wrote:
To me, I'm somewhat concerned on the "health risk" of CRTs - I know there
is no direct evidence about it.  But they're fundamentally like old radar
systems, using a directed beam.

I'm a bit rusty on the subject, but as far as I understand it, monochrome CRTS generally have a low enough "high voltage" that you don't get into x-ray radiation. Luckily, you have control over the beam intensity. Keeping your image brightness as low as possible helps. By dimming the image, fewer electrons are flying at the screen.

Color CRTs have a much higher CRT voltage, and you'll see warnings in them about the potential for x-ray radiation. Again, keeping the images dimmer helps to lower the potential for (or the amount of) any radiation.

Both CRT types emit high frequency electro-magnetic fields, so if magnetic fields or EMF worry you, that's something to consider, but the fields follow the inverse square law on their strength. 6 ft away from such a screen, the fields are not very strong.

- John

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