While I never actually suspected I'd own every IBM inxompatible made, I scored a bunch. Sold off a bunch. I can't say whether my Northstar Dimension or my NEC APC III would be the last to go. Preferably neither. I often find myaelf fawning over your bog standatd clone also. Don't particularly care to hold on to anything IBM. Too much of that being done. Besides although I used them plenty at jobs and even the local library, I never owned IBM anything, until a Peanut (busted) in about 1995. The clones were far cheaper and many were made well enough. It would be foolish to spend all that extra money.
I also will never stop loving the C64. I had an Amiga 600 for a while but never got into it. Ataris are also amazing (8/16 bit). My very first computing experience was on an Atari 400. That keyboard turned me off to computers for a few years. Maybe if they had some AI on it I would have liked them better.