> What you have been describing, and what no one else seems to have > twigged to, > is what we called a TIP ("terminal interface processor") or EtherTIP > (because > it sat directly on the 3Mbit/10Mbit Ethernet, unlike the ARPANET TIPs > that sat > on a 56Kbit leased line). There were dozens of these scattered across
Rich, That is quite interesting. I suspected that such devices probably have been around for a long time in some form or another but I had never heard the term EtherTIP. As Jonathan pointed out the Lantronix devices have the same capability by putting them into modem emulation mode and then using the ADTD(IP ADDRESS:PORT) command. I am not sure how capable the telnet client is but I would guess it may have been as good as the Cisco boxes. If I do roll my own Pi solution I at least now know how to properly refer to it :D. Thanks. -Ali