> > When I looked at the manual for the Lantronix UDS1100 I did not see
> any mention of it being able to be used as Telnet client.
> PDF Page 54.
> You put it in manual CONNECT mode, modem emulation, and type
> "ATDT10.20.30.40:23" on most modern Lantronix devices. I have no
> personal experience with the UDS1100, but I've got the UDS10 and UDS100
> devices kicking around the shop.


Thanks. That definitely looks like it will do what I need. Not quite as elegant 
as I had hoped but workable. I am going to look at prices for these units to 
see how much they are going for used on eBay.

I am still interested in the Pi solution as well though as it provides more 
flexibility and could make for a slicker interface/solution (i.e. terminal 
client with a phone book) as it would run a full Linux system. I have to see 
what I can cobble together!


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