I feel like a Raspberry Pi or similar would fit the bill for this
IMHO, the Raspberry Pi, et al. qualify here too.

On Sun, 31 Jul 2022, Ali via cctalk wrote:
Well after looking around a bit last night and my Google fu failing to provide anything worthwhile Grant may be right i.e. there is no device that make a shell or a telnet client available to a terminal and I will have to roll my own. I have absolutely no experience with Raspberry Pi (or any of these mini embedded devices). Looking around it looks like a box would set me back about $130 even if I can get all the parts:

If you have no experience with such devices, then building this may seem daunting.

OTOH, if you have sufficient familiarity with other systems (PC, Unix, Mac-OS, CP/M, Apple-DOS, TRS-DOS,...), . . . Setup a computer to do what you want. It doesn't meet one of your criteria of small, but, consider it to be temporary, ... Once you have SOMETHING doing exactly what you want, then replicate that device with the Raspberry Pi. Having a working system to model it after will eliminate the time pressure, identify most of the issues that will need to be addressed, and make it into an excellent learning exercise.

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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