You could boot a packaged Linux that doesn't need installation but runs 
directly from the boot device.  I haven't done this but I know they are out 
there and easy to use.

SimH complex and lots of setup?  Not my experience.  The documentation may be 
sparse in places, as I found when configuring a PDP-10 setup, but the PDP-11 
setups are well documented.

SCSI controller, that's beside the point.  I assume it looks to the PDP-11 as 
an MSCP controller, right?  It would have to be, else you'd have no chance of 
running a standard OS.  If so, you'd just tell SIMH to configure an MSCP 
controller with a disk of size matching what you have.

When you said "won't write a disk image to a real RX50" do you mean an RX50 
drive, or an RX50 floppy in a plain PC 5.25 inch drive?  I don't know about the 
former, but the latter has long worked for me.  I haven't used Windows for 
stuff like that in ages, and don't want to use it if I can avoid it, but my 
RSTSFLX 2.6 can be build for DOS (using DJGPP).  I don't have an executable of 
that version handy but could probably create one.  That doesn't create from 
images, though; it manipulates RSTS file systems.  A simple program to copy an 
image, along the lines of the I mentioned, would not be hard to make.


> On Feb 22, 2022, at 5:20 PM, Rod Smallwood via cctalk <> 
> wrote:
> I'm sure that will work. Unfortunatly dd is a linux command.
> I only have windows PC's.
> simH is highly complex and needs a lot of setup. ( I know - I tried - total 
> nightmare)
> It does not have support for the CMD CDD 220 SCSI controller and a RH-18A
> I have a working 11/83 with a 2gig SCSI drive and RX50.(it passes the diags 
> and boots XXDP+)
> None of the methods suggested so far gets me an RX50 bootable OS install set.
> Latest fail.. putR does not as claimed write disk images to a real RX50 under 
> W95. (write protect error)
> The SCSI25D costs  $150 US in the UK.
> So the  simple requirement to copy an RX50 disk image (which I have) to an 
> RX50 remains.
> Rod
> On 22/02/2022 19:27, Adam Thornton via cctalk wrote:
>> The 11/83 question sounds like a job for SCSI2SD to me.  Install a system
>> with simh.  dd the resulting disk image to your sd card.  Hook the SCSI2SD
>> up to your 11/83 and boot from the card.  Copy the contents of that drive
>> to your real SCSI drive.  Done.
>> SCSI2SD cards are not expensive and are a tremendous value for money.

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