> On 22 Feb 2022, at 15:20, Antonio Carlini via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On 22/02/2022 14:19, Adrian Graham via cctalk wrote:
>> That didn't stop me being massively nervy installing a VMS v5.0 upgrade from 
>> RX50s to a customer's VAX 11/50... I think it was the first one that I'd 
>> done so no pressure.
> I remember doing the V5 upgrade on a VAX-11/750 but via tape. You still 
> needed to boot from TU58, which seemed to take roughly forever.
> I imagine it was possible to hook up RX50s to a VAX-11/750 but I never saw 
> one configured that way. Why not use tape :-)

That's just what the request was. I suspect they didn't have a tape drive, the 
VAX was the only bit of DEC kit they had because the fixed drives were all 
Systems Industries. They probably did a disk backup for reasons. I know for a 
fact that the local failed circus engineers hated this particular site because 
most of the faults they went to work on were because of the SI drives which 
IIRC were Fuji/Eagle.

Adrian Graham
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest private home computer collection?
t: @binarydinosaurs    f: facebook.com/binarydinosaurs
w: www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk

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