On 22/02/2022 00:32, Rod Smallwood via cctalk wrote:
I have built an 11/83 in a BA23 box.
It has a KDJ-11B, 2mB PMI memory, an RQDX3 with an RX50 attached,
Plus a CMD CQD 220A Disk controller with a digital RH18A 2Gig SCSI
drive attached.
Diag sees drive as RA82.
It boots and runs the diag disk and XXDP+ just fine.
I do not have install distributions for any of the 11/83 operating
Daily driver system is a Windows 10 PC.
So how do I install an operating system?
Suggestions please.
I have been doing a lot of digging.
Its possible there was a MicroRSX on RX50
I'm looking for images.