On 10/7/20 2:10 PM, Tomas By wrote:
Well, we are talking past each other. When I say client/server I mean the connection over serial port/modem between the mobile client, not on the same LAN as the PO, and the PO.

You've piqued my interest.

I've done some more reading on cc:Mail. It seems that you're talking about cc:Mail /Mobile/, and not cc:Mail (proper). It seems as if cc:Mail /Mobile/ is an add-on product meant to allow mobile users access a cc:Mail Post Office.

There is a more true client / server version of cc:Mail, but it was apparently named cc:Guardian.

There were also the SMTP, POP3, and IMAP gateways for cc:Mail Post Offices. Per the Readme.1st file on the cc:Mail 8.1 CD-ROM that I'm looking at:

 - cc:Mail IMAP Server
 - cc:Mail POP3 Server
 - cc:Mail Link to SMTP
 - cc:Mail Mobile

Among many other things.

Also, per the Readme.1st file, cc:Mail 8.1, including it's cc:Mail /Mobile/ add-on used a Post Office directory structure.

Some of the reading that I did today indicated that even cc:Mail Mobile used a Post Office. It's just that it was a local single person Post Office and that cc:Mail Mobile did some sort of undefined communications over the modem connection. As such, I'm guessing that this cc:Mail Mobile communications protocol is quite proprietary. Wikipedia's cc:Mail article indicates that cc:Mail Remote was developed for a few HP *LX devices.

If the cc:Mail that you have on your device is the cc:Mail Mobile or Remote that is meant to connect to cc:Mail Mobile in the central office, then I think I may have a solution for you.

Fetchmail -> cc:Mail SMTP -> Internet SMTP server
              cc:Mail PO
            cc:Mail Mobile
            cc:Mail Remote

I think that the top three lines could likely run one system.

Do you think this might do what you are wanting to do? After all, it seems like it's cc:Mail's answer to your question.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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