Oh this brings back memories. Back in the 1980's I worked with
Westinghouse/IRD and we used CC:Mail. When we partnered with Macro
systems we tied the two together using a CC:Mail gateway package that
ran over dialup modems.
Moving into the 90's, the IEEE Computer Society was on CC:Mail in 1994
when I got there. We tied it to the Internet using a CC:Mail gateway on
DOS *and* a CC:Mail to SMTP gateway application. Both had to be running
and yes, the CC:Mail SMTP gateway had a lot of cruft pile up on it. It
also locked up a LOT.
In order to make the thing useful we ran it on OS/2 pre warp. That made
it a lot more stable and I was able to script a process to restart the
window when it crashed. Allowed me to sleep at night. But the main fail
in CC:Mail was that the mail database could only be 2gb in size and it
corrupted a LOT.
1995 or so we put in Lotus Notes mail and migrated the CC:Mail database
to it. Infinitely more reliable, ran on OS/2 3.0 very well as a server,
and as a side project I coded Notes Script into what became probably the
first end user identity system on the internet (E-Accounts) which
allowed us to roll out E-Aliases, member renewal by internet using our
home-made credit card system, online registrations for Supercomputing/95
and the CS Digital Library in 1996 (I built that too).
All because I was (a) Bored and (b) Lazy. Amazing times, but Lotus Notes
was damn near indestructible. Never lost an email message.
I should really write that history down sometime and somewhere. In the
early 1990's IEEE lost their mind and for a few brief years (up to 2000)
we at the Computer Society were free to innovate and really built some
amazing things. Then the IEEE got their stuff together and smushed it....
Ah well.
On 10/7/2020 11:22 AM, Gavin Scott via cctalk wrote:
These may all be dead short-circuited neurons, but IIRC there was a
cc:Mail Gateway or Internet Gateway special product you needed to buy
that would run on a dedicated PC box (under DOS?) and would talk in
turn to your cc:Mail post office server and the 'net to exchange email
messages in and out. It had the semi-annoying habit of retaining
plaintext copies of all incoming or outgoing messages (one or the
other, I forget which). There was also some non-trivial configuration
setup required on both the Gateway and cc:Mail servers to explain all
this to cc:Mail. I think there was some sort of route name or gateway
name specified with email addresses, possibly with a comma after the
internet address, but like I said those brain cells are almost gone.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 9:04 AM Tomas By via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
And one more thing,
Am wondering about the possibility of setting up an interface between
modern Unix email and the embedded client for cc:Mail on the HP 200LX.
Various versions of cc:Mail are available from archive.org and
vetusware.com, but the missing link seems to be the "client" type
connection from the cc:Mail post office to the internet, i.e. for the
PO machine to connect periodically and collect mail, rather than just
acting as a server.
Have not been able to find much technical information about cc:Mail. I
did see a Lotus development kit for sale somwhere but seems to have
lost the link.
Does anybody here know anything about this? Are there any books or
technical documents on cc:Mail available anywhere?