See my reply at 6:13 for comments about cc:Guardian / IMAP / POP3.
I don't remember Guardian, but I do remember CC:Remote. It did use an
interface system it would call and copy down the person's mailbox file
as a weird sub-mailbox. I mean it worked, but it was a pain.
The other fun email system at the time was WordPerfect Office.
Was that (the precursor to) GroupWise? Or something independent?
Yes. Novell bought it from Wordperfect Inc, and re-badged Office to
GroupWise. Groupwise could run as a shared file model or a client-server
system with a POA running on NLMs. That worked pretty well, and I used
that at Science from 2000-2013 or so.
But it still had the SMTP NLM.
Why were you loathe to support cc:Mail? Did Microsoft Mail and / or the
WordPerfect Office thing produce more income?
CC:Mail was very parsnickity and blew up a lot. Likewise the SMTP
gateway was very unreliable, I finally ran it on OS/2, but that wasn't
around in late 1980's/early 90's.
Ah those were the days.
Interesting story. Thank you for sharing.
Sure! One of these days I really need to write all this stuff down.
There was a lot going on at the dawn of the internet age, I still
remember when we had the ceiling collapse at the Computer Society
because all the serial cables in the ceiling for the VAX overloaded the
drop ceiling.
It was a funny moment that morning, a Sparc20 smushed under a ceiling.