These may all be dead short-circuited neurons, but IIRC there was a cc:Mail Gateway or Internet Gateway special product you needed to buy that would run on a dedicated PC box (under DOS?) and would talk in turn to your cc:Mail post office server and the 'net to exchange email messages in and out. It had the semi-annoying habit of retaining plaintext copies of all incoming or outgoing messages (one or the other, I forget which). There was also some non-trivial configuration setup required on both the Gateway and cc:Mail servers to explain all this to cc:Mail. I think there was some sort of route name or gateway name specified with email addresses, possibly with a comma after the internet address, but like I said those brain cells are almost gone.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 9:04 AM Tomas By via cctalk <> wrote: > > And one more thing, > > Am wondering about the possibility of setting up an interface between > modern Unix email and the embedded client for cc:Mail on the HP 200LX. > > Various versions of cc:Mail are available from and >, but the missing link seems to be the "client" type > connection from the cc:Mail post office to the internet, i.e. for the > PO machine to connect periodically and collect mail, rather than just > acting as a server. > > Have not been able to find much technical information about cc:Mail. I > did see a Lotus development kit for sale somwhere but seems to have > lost the link. > > Does anybody here know anything about this? Are there any books or > technical documents on cc:Mail available anywhere? > > /Tomas