On 5/29/20 2:31 PM, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
On 05/29/2020 03:05 PM, Rich Alderson via cctalk wrote:
Just to make sure everyone knows that we haven't lost our minds:
Nothing is going in the skip/dumpster/e-waste recycling bin. It's a
long pause, that's all.
Well, that's a relief, at least!
Honestly, I'm less concerned about the equipment itself. It will either
be on display again at some future LCM incarnation, or sold off in some
fashion where interested parties can try to buy it.
The loss of the institution is very sad and I'm mourning that loss, as
we all are.
Right now, however, I'm mostly worried about my friends who work there.
They are not only mourning the loss of the place that they've poured
themselves into for years, but now are also scrambling for economic
security. Even during this pandemic, most of us working in the tech
sector enjoy a truly uncommon level of job security. Even in the tech
sector though, the hiring process totally fucked everywhere right now
and these folks now have to navigate that nightmare. This is what I'm
most worried about.