Derailing a little bit but did the LCM loan things or allow folks to bring
in equipment to fix it get running?  Was sort of curious when hanging out
in their library area thinking it's a lot like all my bookshelves for
things I haven't done but could. I feel like I saw software there also.
Though maybe that would just be piracy if not open source or freeware.

I think what folks don't realize is the amount of big iron that is running
in the vintage server room (which was amazing btw. Love the terminals and
ability to log into so many systems!). Before our goodwill computer musuem
in Austin died (also unfortunate goodwill management not seeing it as a
profit) the curator was eager to have things also hands on. Similar to what
I liked doing at our ex-VCF south(west). Had systems on and enjoyed both
kids and adults getting to play with the hardware and type some things into
basic or play a game on the c64. Given I was right there and did start to
thing I should gather backup systems/hardware but it all went fine.

 - John

On Fri, May 29, 2020, 3:56 PM geneb via cctalk <>

> On Fri, 29 May 2020, Rich Alderson via cctalk wrote:
> > Just to make sure everyone knows that we haven't lost our minds:
> >
> > Nothing is going in the skip/dumpster/e-waste recycling bin.  It's a
> > long pause, that's all.
> >
> It's not you guys we're worried about.  It's those skeezy shitbirds at
> Vulcan that make us nervous. ;)
> g.
> --
> Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007
> - The only one of its kind.
> - Go Collimated or Go Home.
> Some people collect things for a hobby.  Geeks collect hobbies.
> ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
> A Multi-Value database for the masses, not the classes.
> - Get it _today_!

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