All this shows me is that in principal people will pick the extreme ends of a topic to fight about but in reality once you get into specifics and details most people are really in the middle and tend to agree on what should be done (in most cases).

You can argue to the point of violence if a glass of water is half empty or half full but everybody will agree there is water in the cup (and then argue over the definition of a cup).

People are funny.

-----Original Message----- From: Rob Jarratt via cctalk
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 11:57 AM
To: 'Daniel Seagraves' ; 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'
Subject: RE: Living Computer Museum

-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk <> On Behalf Of Daniel Seagraves
via cctalk
Sent: 29 May 2020 14:04
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <>
Subject: Re: Living Computer Museum

I’ve been just kinda skimming along in this thread, I’ve been busy; Just wanna
make sure I have everything down...

0: If you sent anything to a museum, you’ve been fleeced - you’re an idiot. 1: If you didn’t send anything to a museum, you’re a hoarder - you’re an idiot. 2: If you send things to a museum they will be destroyed, museums are full of
3: If you send things to a museum they will be taken care of, museums keep out
the idiots.
4: Museums are for physical display only and a proper museum will prioritize
long-term physical stability at the cost of operational capability.
5: Museums are for physical interaction only and a proper museum will
prioritize operational capability at the cost of long-term physical stability.
6: If you start or join an ongoing internet slapfight, you’re an asshole.
7: If you avoid starting or joining an ongoing internet slapfight, you’re a
10: I’m not an idiot, you’re an idiot.
11: No, I’m not an idiot, YOU’RE an idiot!
12: For having read this far, I am the biggest idiot of all.

Sound good?=

I was thinking pretty much the same thing and I think it just shows how futile some threads are, although I am sure that wherever you stand on the arguments above, everyone will agree that the loss of the LCM is a major blow.

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